The city center

The center of the city is Masséna square, where we are (below). In front of you, the main shopping street, Jean Médecin Street, which goes to the main station.


On your left the Albert the 1st garden and on your right the Felix Faure avenue (pan with the camera to see them). They continue each other to form a long green strip, the "Promenade du Paillon". It is actually a river bed which was covered on several kilometers from its mouth. The Paillon still exists and flows under your feet. After the Albert I garden, the Sea. If you make a right from your original position to take the Avenue Felix Faure, you'll discover the new "Promenade du Paillon", then the Theater, the museum of modern art (MAMAC), the library, the Square Head, the congress and the exhibition center Acropolis. All these buidings were built above the river. To see the Paillon, you have to go 3km from the Massena square. (No need to do it, the river has no charm at all.) A little further, a high school was also built on the river bed. Use the map on the right to discover these places.

On your right, if you walk away from the Sea, (i.e. on our back as the camera was in the beginning) the Old town at the foot of the Castle hill (colline du Chateau). This is where the city hall, the courthall and the Opéra are located. On your left when you walk upstream the Paillon the city center with its shopping streets.

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