There is a bus transportation service for handicapped people who cannot use regular buses. It's called Mobil'Azur. Trips are made from adress to adress, with a booking. The cost of a trip is 1.50€ (in 2016).

You must first prove that you're entitled to use this service. You are entitled automatically if you're in a wheel chair or if you're blind. In other cases, you must put together a written case which will be submitted to a medical commission (they meet once a month). It will decide whether or not you can benefit from Mobil'Azur.

If you're blind or in a wheel chair, you may benefit from it even if you're only temporarily in Nice and don't live there.

When your right has been established, to get a transport you call 0805 20 06 06 (toll free number from a french land line) to book it.

More details on the Mobil'Azur website, or by calling the (+33) 4 93 54 58 18.

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